Mesotherapy Dermapen

Mesotherapy Dermapen

Mezoterapia Dermapen

Dermapen mesotherapy combats facial skin problems, carefully selected for every skin problem. With the help of Dermapen Mesotherapy they are introduced into the deep layers of the skin and thus act directly on the cells in the skin tissue. The complete treatment comprises several therapy sessions through which the mesotherapy procedure is repeated. The esthetician will use mixtures of serums that contain the vitamins necessary for the skin.

Mesotherapy Treatment Reduces Wrinkles

With the help of mesotherapy and hyaluronic acid, deep wrinkles on the face can be blurred. This method helps to reduce deep wrinkles and reduce those of expression so the skin will be visibly rejuvenated. Hydration of the skin is also very important to maintain its beauty.

Dermapen mesotherapy helps acnee scaring and dark spots

mesotherapy dermapen before and after
Original photos taken at New You Clinic

Now you have the opportunity to get rid of dilated pores, the marks left by acne, rosacea, pigment spots, etc. Using serums with special ingredients relieves the symptoms of acne and rosacea. There are professional mesoceutical products, tested by researchers, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. These active substances are introduced into the skin without injuring the skin tissues.

In order for such treatments to give the desired results, they must be repeated several times at intervals of 3-4 weeks. At least 4 therapy sessions are required. In more complex cases, up to 10 Dermapen Mesotherapy sessions are performed using PBSerum ampoules, the only recombinant enzymatic system.

PBSerum line offers enzymatic skin products formulates with second generation recombinant enzymes. It is the first enzymatic system that yields.

Mesotherapy is the best solution for expression wrinkles, dark circles, bags under the eyes, wrinkles on the forehead, pigment spots, post-acne scars, double chin, inelastic skin, tired skin, dilated pores and other skin problems.

Contraindications to Dermapen Mesotherapy

  • Pregnancy or breast-feeding;
  • Chronic diseases (eg diabetes or heart disease);
  • Liver disease;
  • Epilepsy,
  • People suffering from severe skin conditions;
  • Kidney or liver disease;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Thyroid problems;
  • People who have cancer;
  • Active acne.

1 session – 579 lei/ 3 sessions – 1599 lei / 5 sessions – 2499 lei

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Or call +40 757 738 014
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NOTE: Rejuvenation therapies will be customized according to the needs of your skin, the possibility of a FREE consultation to determine the perfect treatment for each is valid.

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